Allstar Magnetics Office Building

It’s Been a Fast 6 Months

We Are All Moved In!

It’s been a fast six months since moving to our new offices and facility. We are up and running at an even greater capacity than before.  

Allstar Magnetics Office Building

In 2022;

With our enhanced capacity we can help take your design(s) from concept to full scale production.  Contact our Technical Sales team today to find out more.

Bottom line: Now that summer, vacations, and holidays are winding down; Today is a great day to solve supply chain issues, reduce risk, and design the next generation product.

Contact Allstar Magnetics to see how we can help!

Corporate Headquarters & Remit-To address is:

15100 NE 65th St.
Suite 170
Vancouver, WA 98682

P: 360-693-0213

We look forward to continuing to serve your needs as experts in the magnetic industry. Please feel free to contact your sales rep directly or send us a note at for any concerns or questions.